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21/12/2024 Garance Midi @ La Source Beer & Co | 11/01/2025 Secte @ Le Petit Bitu | 11/01/2025 Billions Of Comrades @ Le Petit Bitu | 18/01/2025 Krotale @ Le Vecteur | 19/01/2025 Krotale @ Brasserie La Mule | 20/02/2025 Fabiola @ Le Botanique |
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03/12/2024 Dead Bob (ex-NoMeansNo) is now available ! | 27/11/2024 Delwood'second album will be availble soon. | 05/11/2024 New releases have been added ! | 03/11/2024 Hyper Gal's belgian tour has been great ! Thanks for the people that came out ! |
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Arrived fast and in great condition!...
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| | MONSIEUR GOLAN Psyklicks Label : Psychotica Records Year : 2004 Format : CD Style : Availability : Out of stock
| | | | Description : | Monsieur Golàn was born in a collaboration between fAb aka Fabio Orsi, manipulator of sounds, and psichic aka Michele, unreasonable Logan's guitar. It's about a pure resonant manipulation got processing, with a personal computer, samples, loops and guitar's feedeback. The improvised psichic's guitars find an own new electric dimension, scrapping between long drones, feedbeack and very-low frequencies. The frame is deliberately improvised, even if some minutes bring to light a joy of a pattern more rhythmical and dynamic.
| Titles : | 01 m. ons. i. eur. go. l. àn. 02 le chant de monsieur Golàn 03 monsieur Golàn pensif 04 l'homme Golàn 05 decelération decadént 06 monsieur Golàn et ses beat